

Arteco VEMS software helps safeguard one of the nation’s naval treasures

Affectionately known as the “Battleship of Presidents” for having played host to more U.S. presidents than any other battleship, the USS Iowa is one of the most storied vessels in the history of the Navy.

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Arteco and Axis safeguards a UNESCO world heritage site

Faenza’s International Ceramics Museum was founded in 1908 at the conclusion of the great International Exposition dedicated to Evangelista Torricelli, who carried the products of many Italian and European manufacturers. In 2000, UNESCO recognized it as “a monument professing a culture of peace” as the “expression of ceramic art throughout the world.”

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Máxima seguridad para la cárcel de Novara (Italia)

Ubicado en una estructura construida en los años 70, la cárcel de Novara (Italia) alberga dos distintas secciones: una destinada a la detención por delitos comunes y otra a la llamada “cárcel dura” para los reclusos con altos cargos en el crimen organizado. La estructura también cuenta con espacios recreativos al aire libre, áreas internas de uso común y otros utilizados para visitas de familiares. El personal de asistencia médica y los educadores que se ocupan de la formación laboral también tienen acceso a la instalación.

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Electrical Utility


3.4 Million Electric/Gas Customers in Illinois and Missouri. 86,000 Miles of Electric Distribution and transmission. Service Area Covers 64,000 Square Miles. Monitored 24-7 by three stations, Uses 3rd party guard company, 90% accuracy rating on Analytics, 100% alert rate to trespassing.

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The enduring collaboration of Gruppo Sirio, Bosch and Arteco resulted in a smooth transition from the analogic to the digital system, that now includes 48 cameras featuring video analysis on board to monitor a 45,000 sqm area.

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Arteco software and hardware solutions for ProTerp: security in the cannabis industry. Every company that manufactures cannabis products must obtain and maintain a valid manufacturer’s license from the Department of Health, following the law of the State. In particular, the State of California, where ProTerp has its headquarters, drafted legislation that examines in depth the risks for security and subsequently establishes strict parameters for the protection of facilities, employees, and goods.

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Freight Logistics


The most extensive, specialized and technologically advanced logistics operator in Southern Europe with over 850,000 square meters area in logistics platforms in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Poland. Monitored 24-7 at headquarters, internal monitoring staff, 85% accuracy ratings across installation.

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Higher Education


Founded in 1887 in Buies Creek, N.C., Campbell University hosts more than 6,000 students. More than 150 cameras monitored 24/7 by Arteco eMotion software.

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Metro Transit


The largest underground Metropolitan Transit Authority in Italy with a cohesive Video Security platform that interconnects 52 independent stations across 2 lines. Monitored 24-7 by Metro police, 70% accuracy rating on Analytics, staff views video for verification.

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Arteco and Axis upgrades security at Airport Fontanarossa

The main airport in Sicily and the first in Southern Italy with high domestic traffic and several connections to mid-range European and extra-European destinations had an outdated video surveillance system that could no longer ensure ideal control of apron surveillance.

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Law Enforcement


The city of San Diego is California’s second largest city in population with over one million. San Diego is located 17 miles from Tijuana, Mexico and 125 miles from Los Angeles. Partnership with WANCO PVS. 100% mobile video access, 95% accuracy rating on Analytics, real-time detection and deterrence.

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Arteco enhance safety in high-profile jail. The facility deployed the Arteco NEXT Video Event Management Software (VEMS) to manage 180 video surveillance cameras. Arteco VEMS is designed to help organizations gain the most relevant video and security information at any given time.

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Protecting high-profile tenants with high-tech VEMS software.
Luxury Dallas high rise condominium deploys the Arteco Next platform.

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Industrial Electronics


6,400 acre gated Home Owners Association in Jacksonville, FL. Property includes athletic center, Water Park, Golf Course, Restaurants, Stores, Schools, Public Library and Private Residences. Not Actively Monitored. Use analytics for Efficient Search, email notification on event, 91% Accuracy Rating on Analytics.

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This luxury property in Florence is a five-star resort located in the heart of the Tuscan capital, an area universally recognized as one of the most famous art cities in the world and the cradle of the Renaissance.

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Retail services


Global Blue is specialised in the world’s fastest growing sector: globe shopping, where people from one country go shopping in another. “We strive to be the globe shoppers’ best friend and we can help your business become their best friend too”. Immediate real-time verification, use analytics for Efficient Search, centralized Event Management, 87% Accuracy Rating on Analytics.

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Logistics and Transportation

Arteco solutions for EAV: railway transport, mobility and safety

In order to allow all users of vehicles and infrastructures to freely and safely use the services provided by EAV, the company has recently installed additional video surveillance systems integrated in 8 stations of the lines of the Vesuvian Area (Ex Circumvesuviana), in 4 of the Flegrea Area (Ex Sepsa) and in 2 bus depots in Ischia and Sorrento.

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High security at high elevations

The public transport link between the center of Bolzano and the plateau of Renon, in the hamlet of Soprabolzano, Italy, has a long tradition: for more than 100 years, families, commuters, students and tourists have been using this service. After 40 years of honorable service, STA (Strutture Trasporto Alto Adige S.p.A.) decided to replace the old cable car with a new type of cableway which is faster, more spacious and technologically-advanced.

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City Surveillance


Historic city becomes safer with Arteco and Axis

The town of Cava de’ Tirreni, in the province of Salerno, located close to the Amalfi Coast of Italy represents its northern gate. It is famous for its artistic and cultural heritage dating back to the Roman era. Cava de’ Tirreni is committed to guaranteeing its own inhabitants and many tourists not only efficient services but also safety.

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Arteco protects historic transportation center in major european city

The transportation center selected Arteco as its video management platform because of its intelligent capabilities, ease-of-use, comprehensive device management via Arteco Maps and privacy settings. Because of its success with the Arteco VEMS, the public agency plans to add advanced video analytics, incuding loitering, trespassing, intrusion, and abandoned/removed objects.

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Traffic under control in Forlì

The municipality of Forlì, chief town of the Forlì-Cesena province, wanted to enrich the existing video surveillance installation with a system that could allow an effective monitoring of the vehicular traffic going in and out of the town area.

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Scientific Research

OMNIA security on the Laura Bassi ship

The Omnia solution implemented on the Laura Bassi ship has revolutionized onboard video surveillance, providing comprehensive control for scientific, operational, and security activities.

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